The Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization (EMPO) was established in 1969. Federal law requires that all urbanized areas over 50,000 residents establish Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO’s) to undertake a Continuous, Cooperative and Comprehensive (“3-C”) transportation planning process. As the designated agency responsible for conducting this planning process in the Evansville-Henderson urbanized area, the EMPO facilitates transportation policy development, planning and programming in Vanderburgh, Warrick and Henderson Counties, plus a small area of eastern Posey County. The planning process results in a long range (25 year) Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), and a short term (4 year) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The MPO transportation planning process undergoes a certification review by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) not less than every four years.

Effective transportation planning requires a regional focus and the ability to operate independent of city, county, and state lines. Accordingly, the EMPO is an independent policy body that is comprised of elected or appointed officials from the metropolitan area and representatives from state and local transportation agencies. This principle of regional collaboration is affirmed by the broad coalition engaged in the development of the Millennial Plan for 2040. The Millennial Plan, an extensive planning effort incorporating transportation, land use, housing, economic, environmental and cultural interests, describes a shared regional vision of innovation and sustainability to enhance the region’s quality of life and economic vitality. The Millennial Plan serves as a directional document for MPO planning activities.

EMPO staff perform various regional planning activities guided by the Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2050 Vision Statement.

  • Air Quality
  • Traffic Modeling
  • Project Review
  • Research
  • Project Facilitation
  • GIS Analysis
  • Mapping
  • Public Outreach

"The Evansville-Henderson region will have a balanced multimodal transportation network. Expanded mobility options will improve the quality of life and health for all users and generate increased economic opportunities. Sustainable and resilient practices will reduce environmental impacts and increase safety and security in the region. "

MTP 2050 Vision Statement

EMPO Region

EMPO Committees

Public Participation

EMPO Region

The EMPO Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) contains approximately 650 square miles in Indiana, including the City of Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Warrick County, and a small area of eastern Posey County. In Kentucky, the Study Area encompasses approximately 440 square miles which includes the City of Henderson and Henderson County. With an urbanized population that exceeded 200,000 in the 2010 Census, the Evansville-Henderson urban area has been designated as a Transportation Management Area (TMA). The EMPO serves a planning area population of 288,827 (2020 Census).

EMPO Committees

The Policy Committee is to oversee the activities of the Executive Director and staff of EMPO, to ensure they are carrying out the vision, mission, values and goals of the agency. The Policy Committee includes elected or appointed officials representing local jurisdictions within the Study Area, as well as representatives from the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Indiana Department of Transportation, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Official actions taken by Evansville MPO require approval by the Policy Committee.

The Technical Committee is composed of planners, engineers, community representatives, and professional staff from various departments of Study Area local public agencies. This committee is the chief working committee, providing relevant expertise and data to the EMPO. Each technical task undertaken by the EMPO staff involves the participation of the Technical Committee. The Technical Committee is directly responsible to the Policy Committee.

The Policy and Technical Committees meet at the Evansville Civic Center the second Thursday of every month (subject to cancellation).

Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Committee

The Policy Committee is to oversee the activities of the Executive Director and staff of EMPO, to ensure they are carrying out the vision, mission, values and goals of the agency. The Policy Committee includes elected or appointed officials representing local jurisdictions within the Study Area, as well as representatives from the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Indiana Department of Transportation, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Official actions taken by Evansville MPO require approval by the Policy Committee.

Chairperson, Evansville City Council Appointment
Vice Chairperson, Indiana Department of Transportation
Mayor, City of Evansville
Town Manager, Town of Newburgh Appointment
Councilmember, Evansville City Council
Councilmember, Vanderburgh County Council
Commissioner, Vanderburgh County Commission
Commissioner, Warrick County Commission
City Manager, City of Henderson Appointment
County Engineer, Henderson County Appointment
County Engineer, Vanderburgh County Commission Appointment
Transportation and Services Director, City of Evansville Mayoral Appointment
Chief District Engineer, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Indiana Department of Transportation (NV)
Indiana Federal Highway Administration (NV)
Indiana Federal Highway Administration (NV)
Indiana Department of Environmental Management (NV)
Federal Transit Administration Region V (NV)
Federal Transit Administration Region V (NV)
Kentucky Federal Highway Administration (NV)
Kentucky Federal Highway Administration (NV)
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (NV)
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (NV)
Kentucky Division of Air Quality (NV)

Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization Technical Committee

Chairperson, Evansville Vanderburgh Airport Authority
Vice Chairperson, Evansville Trails Coalition

The following organizations are represented on the Technical Committee:

  • American Medical Repsonse
  • Carver Community Organization
  • CSX Transportation
  • Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center
  • Evansville Regional Economic Partnership
  • EnviroKinetics, Inc.
  • Evansville ARC
  • Evansville Bicycle Club
  • Evansville Board of Public Safety
  • Evansville Trails Coalition
  • Evansville City Engineer
  • Evansville Department of Metropolitan Development
  • Evansville Department of Transportation and Services
  • Evansville Department of Urban Forestry
  • Evansville Environmental Protection Agency
  • Evansville Parks and Recreation Department
  • Evansville Police Department
  • Evansville-Vanderburgh County Area Plan Commission
  • Evansville Regional Airport
  • Evansville Water and Sewer Department
  • Federal Highway Administration (Indiana)
  • Federal Highway Administration (Kentucky)
  • Federal Transit Administration (Region V)
  • Green River Area Development District
  • Henderson Area Rapid Transit
  • Henderson City Engineer
  • Assistant Henderson City Manager
  • Henderson County Engineer
  • Henderson County Riverport
  • Henderson-Henderson County Chamber of Commerce
  • Henderson-Henderson County Plan Commission
  • Henderson Judge Executive
  • Indiana Department of Environmental Management (Indianapolis)
  • Indiana Department of Transportation (Indianapolis)
  • Indiana Department of Transportation (Vincennes)
  • Indiana Southern Railroad
  • Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (Frankfort)
  • Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (Madisonville)
  • Lochmueller Group
  • Metropolitan Evansville Transit System
  • Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon
  • Posey County Chamber of Commerce
  • Qk4, Inc.
  • River City Taxi
  • St. Vincent Hospital
  • SIRS, Inc.
  • University of Evansville
  • Vanderburgh County Emergency Management Agency
  • Vanderburgh County Engineer
  • Warrick County Economic Development
  • Warrick County Plan Commission
  • Warrick County School Corporation
  • Westside Improvement Association

Public Participation

The Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization recognizes the value of broad-based participation in the planning process. The transportation system is significant to virtually everyone, and has far-reaching, long-term impacts across local communities. The MPO’s Participation Plan contains the official policy for the provision of meaningful participation in transportation planning and related activities. The participation activities outlined in the Plan represent a comprehensive program intended to increase public awareness of, and encourage public engagement in, the transportation planning process.

View Participation Plan

The Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization Participation Plan strives to accomplish the following major objectives:

  • Create and define processes and procedures that will improve and increase the opportunity for involvement in the EMPO’s transportation planning activities.
  • Facilitate improved access to the transportation planning process by populations that have often lacked formal access, such as low income, elderly, minority, disabled, and limited English (language) proficiency populations.
  • Foster participation that will result in transportation plans and decisions that reflect the values of the communities that the EMPO serves.

The Participation Plan was adopted by the MPO Policy Committee on January 14, 2021.

Section 504 and ADA:

Accommodations are made to serve persons with disabilities in compliance with the ADA/504. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and related federal and state laws and regulations forbid discrimination against those who have disabilities. These laws require federal aid recipients and other government entities to take affirmative steps to reasonably accommodate the disabled and ensure that their needs are equitably represented in the transportation planning process.

The Evansville MPO endeavors to ensure that its facilities, programs, services, and activities are available to those with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The MPO also actively seeks out disabled communities and service groups to ensure their input into the MPO’s programs, services and activities. The MPO will make every effort to ensure that its facilities, programs, services, and activities are accessible to those with disabilities.

The MPO encourages the public to report any facility, program, service or activity within the planning area that appears inaccessible to the disabled. Furthermore, the MPO will provide reasonable accommodation to disabled individuals who wish to participate in meetings, public participation activities, or other events or programs of the MPO, or who require special assistance to access MPO facilities, programs, services or activities. Because providing reasonable accommodation may require outside assistance, organization or resources, the MPO asks that requests be made as soon as possible prior to the need for accommodation.

For more information on public involvement, please contact the MPO: Email (812) 436-7833